ViXDiary Series Finale Sickoholic is currently, as most of my projects that take years to make, barely gets any traction. LET'S GET IT UP AND BOOST IT MORE! We can do this, once and for all, boosting passionate art for the sake of passionate art with no budget and no strings pulled, just pure art - no paid promotions and no bs - this is what YouTube should be about! I am sick of people claiming their art to be "indie" or "independent" whilst having tons of budget, paid cast and merch spammed across thier channels. How about PURE FREE ART FOR FREE VIEWING? Budget does not equal quality, and I want to prove this with every animation and video I made - it is passion and willingness to push out quality stories, animations and films free for all to view! It is innovation, experimentation of mixed medias and constant improvement that keeps me going. I love what I do, and I want to rise from honest and pure craft free from budget or money craving in order to make something truly good. Are you with me? ;)
Link to Sickoholic film:
Link to ViXDiary playlist:
ViXDiary is a personal abstract horror and mixed media series about an artist gone insane, or made insane by an ancient deity, demon-like and made of marble, with horns protruding from its eyes. ViXDiary dives into themes of being forgotten as an artist, dealing with addictions, and having to exist as a fly in a world of humans, where nobody cares to hear your buzzing...
If anything you are good at making posters and promotional material. You can focus on that.
Thank you so much! I honestly only recently started doing active promotions for my stuff, it helps surprisingly, always hoped someone else would do that for me discovering my skill and passion but you really gotta take it in your own hands most of the time. I'm up to the challenge though :D